Saturday, September 3, 2022




Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder can be a gift.

A person with ADHD can focus intently on things in which they are interested, seeing and doing more than many other people,

People with ADHD can excel and achieve individually and/or with someone to help them organize and keep focus.

Those with ADHD are more aware of their surroundings.

People with ADHD can have higher energy and creativity levels.

Some people with ADHD have a higher risk tolerance and may be more willing to try solutions that others might not.

In relationships, people with ADHD are often very clear about their expectations of others.

In relationships, people with ADHD are often impulsive, which can make friendship playful and help keep it fresh and alive.

People with ADHD are often more receptive to counseling and therapy.  These people see it as an opportunity to improve their relationship overall.

Resiliency or the ability to bounce back is another super power of some people with ADHD.

Flexibility can be another aspect of ADHD personality. These people can be more apt to move on to other ideas and methods of getting things done.

SOURCES:  List compiled by A. Pitts, teacher, educator, Marie’s Little Red School House

ADHD in Children -


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